Welcome to the Friends of Queen's Wood Website
- A place to walk the dogs, peace in a busy city and a great place to jog.
- With the changing seasons there is always something new to see, hear and enjoy.
- Queen's Wood is an area of ancient woodland in the London Borough of Haringey, which has been continuously wooded since at least AD 1600.
- Behind the Lodge building is an organic garden overlooked by wood and cafe users.
- The wood is principally inhabited by oak and Hornbeam. Many birds that have spotted in the wood including crows, magpies, jays, blackbirds, greater spotted woodpeckers, green woodpeckers, blue tits, great tits, robins, tree capers, nuthatches, mallards, song thrushes, wood pigeons, wrens, hawfinches, cuckoos, sparrow hawks, London pigeons and goldcrests.

If you see something wrong in the Wood, ring 999 in an emergency (like an active fire); report anti-social behaviour on 101; or for other issues like fallen trees or dumped rubbish report to Haringey Council.
Using the map of compartments, Click
HERE to identify the location of the problem.
Our Volunteers
The 'Friends of Queen's Wood' is a local voluntary group dedicated to the conservation of Queen's Wood. Membership entitles you to a regular Newsletter, talks, led walks in the Wood, special children's events and information about local conservation and environmental issues. Members can take part in monthly working parties in the Wood.
Our volunteers and committee members do a terrific job cutting back and conservation work including coppicing as well as the regular litter picking. The Committee is made up of local people who love the wood and want to protect it.
Click the button to learn more about us!
Help always wanted!